Note : Use /system_ext recovery

Device Specific Changes

- Initial OFFICIAL Build

Important Links

ROM Specific Changes

- android_frameworks_base: SystemUI: allow disabling qs on secure lockscreen [1/2]
- android_frameworks_base: SystemUI: Hide QS power button in lock screen if enabled
- android_frameworks_base: base: Hide power menu on secure lockscreen [1/2]
- android_packages_apps_Settings: Settings: allow disabling qs on secure lockscreen [2/2]
- android_packages_apps_Settings: Settings: Hide power menu on secure lockscreen [2/2]
- android_frameworks_base: SystemUI: Add QS pull down with one finger [1/2]
- android_packages_apps_Settings: Settings: Add a toggle for QS quick pulldown [2/2]
- android_frameworks_base: Link dialog radius to config_dialogCornerRadius
- android_frameworks_base: Fix crash when trying to dismiss dialog
- android_frameworks_base: Update various corner radiuses to align with AOSP apps
- android_packages_apps_Settings: SoftAp: add Hidden SSID preference
- android_packages_apps_Settings: Settings: add TextView for summary into SeekBarDialogPreference
- android_packages_apps_Settings: SoftAp: add support for setting shutdown timeout
- android_packages_apps_Settings: SoftAp: add client manager
- android_packages_apps_Settings: Settings: convert hotspot timeout preference to a list preference
- android_packages_apps_Settings: Settings: tether: do not set shutdown timeout if <=0
- android_frameworks_base: BatteryStatsImpl: Guard against OOB
- android_frameworks_base: BatteryStatsService: limit logspam
- android_frameworks_base: Add interface for battery stats reset
- android_packages_apps_Settings: Settings: Reset battery stats [2/3]
- android_packages_apps_Settings: Settings: Use correct icon to reset battery stats
- android_packages_apps_Settings: Settings: Use AOSP 'ok' strings for reset battery stats
- android_frameworks_base: screenrec: Save recordings in ScreenRecords

That’s all folks

After you’ve double checked that you followed the steps precisely, didn’t skip any and still have questions or got stuck, feel free to ask on our Telegram group.